Modern Strategies in Human Resources Management

Modern Strategies in Human Resources Management

General Objectives:

• Provide the participants with the knowledge, policies and methods related to human resources management and develop the skills of participants in planning and implementing human resources systems and policies

Targeted Group:

• Managers, section heads and those in charge of personnel in the public and private sectors


• Human resources management: concept, objectives and challenges
• Human resources management: features, management duties, optimal use of human resources, main elements, integrated system, general framework, human resources planning and development and their relation to human resources management
• Human resources management: ideas and assumptions, differences between individual management and human resources management, activities, levels and objectives of human resources management
• Redesigning systems of human resources management operations: concept, bases, steps, general framework of comprehensive rebuilding process, reengineering advantages
• Performance evaluation and appraisal: methods, stages and suggestions to improve performance evaluation process
• Training and development: important role of training in human resources management, types of training, influential factors in training success, concept and approach of training needs determination
• Regulatory environment analysis: quadruple analysis method, regulatory climate diagnosis investigation
• Human resources planning: stages, requirements and methods
• Phasing-in process: concept of phasing-in process and steps of its preparation
• Work designing and redesigning: concept and elements
• Organizational status of human resources management: inputs, influential factors in organizational status, organization types of human resources management, qualifications and roles of human resources manager
• Salary and wage scale: steps, factors
• Increases and allowances: concept, bases
• Management innovation: features of new innovative management

Course Duration:

25 training hours 

For more details don’t hesitate to contact the training officer:

on telephone number 17383001
or e-mail at: gizrmrmt.yzsizrm@gztrgizrmrmt.xln


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